Thursday, December 21, 2006

Top 20 Overrated Movies

Premiere: It happens to everyone who loves movies: You're in a conversation at a bar, or at a wedding, or online, and someone begins rhapsodizing about one of their favorite movies and you can't help but say, "Uh, that movie sucks. It's totally overrated." How two perfectly well-balanced individuals can have such drastically different views of the same film is one of the great wonders of being a film fanatic. It happens to us at Premiere all the time, enough so that sometimes we find ourselves questioning who we work with (boy, did it get ugly here when Love, Actually came out, and some of us are still snickering over our boss's love for Bowfinger, not to mention his affection for The Last Samurai). Well, we decided to let our staff go at each other regarding some of the more beloved movies of all time, and, sure enough, sobbing can still be heard coming from the bathroom stalls. Relationships have been strained. Egos bruised. Consider this a film lovers' quarrel, an admittedly rabid one.


Anonymous said...

While I think a lot of the list is stupid I was thrilled to see American Beauty, a movie I HATED, lead the way. To my mind it's the worst movie ever to win Best Picture.

Unknown said...

As far as overrated movies go, Titanic gets my vote. Epic, yes, but far from great.

Cap'n Bob said...

The Wizard of Oz? Pfui!

Anonymous said...

"REBUTTAL: The fact remains that Oz is one of the most influential films of all time. Without it, there is no Star Wars or Harry Potter."

--wait, I thought that was supposed to be an argument for why THE WIZARD OF OZ film was a GOOD thing...rather than a loopy bit of special pleading. And, Jeff, the worst film ever to win Best Picture is a rich pasture full of nightsoil, but no film is likely to dislodge CRASH from that dishonor anytime soon, and for extremely similar reasons, only moreso.