Sunday, September 09, 2007

And Keep off Our Damn Lawns!

Thanks to Beth Foxwell for the link. (I have no idea why she thought of me.)

The Rise of the Alpha Geezer - "There are no old people anymore. The word 'senior' is in disfavor; the folks at AARP often use the term 'grown-up' to refer to our most tenured citizens. (And it's not the American Association of Retired Persons anymore, either: The group decided that because most of its members weren't retired, it should be just AARP, standing for nothing at all.)

This sociological revolution has given rise to a new American icon: the frisky geezer. The frisky geezer is someone who never got the memo to stick to golf from here on out. Americans today live not only longer, but with more fire in the belly. Disability rates for people over 65 go down by more than 2 percent a year, according to a long-term national survey published in 2006. The culture of being older has fundamentally changed, says Robert Butler, president of the International Longevity Center-USA and a professor of geriatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. 'The atmosphere has become more robust in favor of older people remaining part of the human race,' says Butler, who is 80 and works 60 hours a week. 'They're no longer expected to go to the rocking chair and give up.'"


Anonymous said...

this "old people are not done yet" bilge is a bunch of bull. nobody buys it. we're a bunch of losers living off the backs of the most recent generation to enter the workplace. once we drain them dry and die they'll have no one they can drain dry cause this whole socialist system that us "70 years young" creeps are feeding off is gonna crash just as soon as we hit our strides in the aging department. plus we look like hell. so dont kid yourselves. we aint nothing to brag about.

mybillcrider said...

I hate hearing the truth.

Cap'n Bob said...

Speak for yourself, jj. I'll be a teenager forever.