Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Croc Update (Bounding Overland Edition)

SCIENCE NEWS - "A 20-foot-long crocodile with three sets of fangs -- like wild boar tusks -- once roamed parts of northern Africa, researchers reported recently. While this fearsome creature hunted meat, not far away another type of croc with a wide, flat snout like a pancake was fishing for food. And a smaller, three-foot-long relative with buckteeth was chomping plants and grubs in the same region.

The three species that lived 100 million years ago on the southern continent known as Gondwana were recently unveiled by researchers Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago and Hans Larsson of McGill University in Montreal.

'My African crocs appeared to have had both upright, agile legs for bounding overland and a versatile tail for paddling in water,' Sereno wrote in an article for National Geographic magazine, which sponsored the research."

Hat tip to Beth Foxwell.

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