Saturday, February 18, 2012

PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

This one got the "Best Thriller" award from Preditors and Editors. Check it out. The Bitch eBook: Les Edgerton: Kindle Store: The Bitch explores the dark choices that Jake, as a two-time offender faces to save both his life and his soul—life imprisonment if caught for the third time under the federal ha-bitch-ual criminal law—known to outlaws as "The Bitch." Choices that may cost him everything and everyone he loves. What are the limits of loyalty? What is the spiritual process by which a savvy hair designer deteriorates into a mass murderer? A work in the cold existentialist tradition of Sartre and Camus, and the transgressive fiction of Celine, The Bitch struggles for answers and, on finding them, a way out.


Les Edgerton is an ex-con who spent two years in prison for burglary at the Pendleton Reformatory in Indiana. Since his release, he has earned a B.A. from Indiana University and an MFA in Writing from Vermont College. This will be the thirteenth book he has published, with several more forthcoming later this year and next, including a short story collection, an existential noir novel, a new black comedy novel, and his memoir. His career for many years as an outlaw and criminal lend an air of rare verisimilitude to his crime novels.


Les Edgerton said...

Thank you so much for the shout-out, Dr. Crider. I appreciate it.

Rick said...

Thanks for referencing this, Bill; ordered from Amazon, Les Edgerton.