Friday, April 11, 2014

A Forgotten Book and Writer

Vintage Treasures: The Vizier’s Second Daughter by Robert F. Young


George said...

I enjoyed Robert F. Young's work. I need to read one of his books for FFB.

mybillcrider said...

Great minds . . . I ordered this one.

Todd Mason said...

I've yet to read first-rate Robert F. Young. I've certainly read enough third-rate Young, mostly what he was getting into the magazines in the late '70s, but have read some better work from early on that still seemed to be working out his obsessions much more that working out the artistry of the work in question...not that that doesn't drive good art, but I wasn't so impressed with even...ah, that was a Judith Merril story I misremembered as his, "The Lonely," in part because Young placed approximate 800 stories that might as well have been titled "The Giantess" (as one 1973 story was), a neat trick for a guy who published about a hundred stories. I should probably give him another go.

mybillcrider said...

Maybe he's better in memory than in reality. This book sounded like fun, though.

Todd Mason said...

Could be. His was Not a subtle touch with the comedy by the end.