Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Overlooked Movies: Ladyhawke

It's hard to believe it's been almost 30 years since this movie was released.  It's a very good fantasy that sometimes doesn't get the credit it should.  As usual, however, I have trouble summarizing the plot.  It's a bit more complicated than I'm going to make it sound, but here goes:

Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer play lovers separated by the curse of an envious and jealous bishop.  The curse is that they are always together but can never touch.  Peiffer, during daylight hours is a hawk and human at night.  Hauer is a wolf at night and human during the day.  Only during a brief instant at sunrise and sunset can they see one another in their human shapes.  

Hauer has a plan to kill the bishop, but he needs someone to get him inside the city of Aquila and to the bishop so he can do it. That's where Broderick, who plays a clever thief known as Mouse, comes in.  When Hauer kills the bishop, the curse will become complete, and there will be no hope for the lovers to reunite.  They think it's that way already, so revenge is their only satisfaction.  But of course there's a way to break the curse.  Will they be able to do it?  Far be it from me to spoil the suspense.  

There is suspense in the movie, and it's also pretty funny (depending on your tolerance for Broderick in a role like this; mine is pretty high).  The action scenes are very good, and the whole movie looks great.  So does Pfeiffer, by the way.  The movie's worth seeing for her alone.  Check it out.


Anonymous said...

Michelle always looks great. My tolerance for Broderick is not as high as yours.


Todd Mason said...

A thief named Mouse...hm, who was a Fritz Leiber fan here?

mybillcrider said...

Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it.

Fred Zackel said...

This movie is wonderful!!!!But for some reason most people never heard of it!