Friday, January 26, 2007

Hardluck Stories on Comedy Central

The Comedy Central Insider: "Attention noir writers, Hardluck Stories, the online magazine dedicated to hardboiled crime fiction has sent out the call for its 'Truthiness' issue dedicated to the Colbert Report.

Editor Dave Zeltserman posts:

'What I'm looking for are the same typically brilliant noir stories that Hardluck routinely publishes, but stories that are somehow inspired by the Colbert Report show, possibly even by the concept of 'truthiness'.

'These could be stories featuring a Colbert-type character or inspired by an episode of Colbert Report or capture the essence of what Colbert is doing or whatever else your imagination can concoct as long as Colbert, his show or 'truthiness' is a key element of the story. What I'm not looking for is fanfic.' (Ed. - Emphasis ours. Sorry, fan fiction scribes)"

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