Monday, January 15, 2007

My 2,999th Post

I just noticed that I was about to make my 2,999th post. I didn't realize I was so prolific. And just think: Only a very small portion (2,973) of the previous posts mentioned Paris Hilton!

I never really thought I'd get this far with the blog, which is probably a big waste of time that should be devoted to writing actual books. It's more fun than writing books, though, since there's no pressure (except from Steve Stilwell, about the Paris Hilton posts). Besides, there's no thinking involved, or very little.

Now if I were getting rich from the books, maybe I'd feel differently, but I no longer feel there's much chance I'll ever become a breakout bestseller (not that there was ever much chance to begin with), so the urge to write a novel is a lot more easily suppressed than it used to be.

Still, I guess I should do a little actual work, so I'll bring Post #3000 to a close. There'll be more. You can count on that.


Vince said...

Three thousand posts?!? My oh my. And every one of them worth reading. Many congrats on the milestone, Bill.

Unknown said...

Don't forget: You've got Hollywood reading.

mybillcrider said...

Right! Hollywood! My name in lights!

Anonymous said...

Hollywood, Alabama.

mybillcrider said...

Or possibly Hollywood, Arkansas.

Banjo Jones said...

blog on, o happy blogger!