Friday, August 24, 2007

This Will Never Replace the Navy SEALs Calendar

Smokin' photo at link. | Life - Sexy Men of Mortuaries Calendar: "It's one of the most unique calendars you'll see this year, featuring men of mortuaries.

Included in the lineup is a funeral director from Pennsylvania.

In Tom Geisel's line of work, being in the spotlight doesn't usually happen,that is until now.

“There's a lot of guys out there that look a lot better than I do, but I happen to be in a profession that isn't viewed as sexy,' said Geisel.

But having looks to kill isn't the main criteria for this calendar. The catch is you have to be a mortician."


Peter Rozovsky said...

Men of mortuaries? At least the photographers will have no trouble getting the subjects to sit still for the pictures.

Oh, you mean it's men who work at mortuaries?

Never mind.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

mybillcrider said...

I had the same thought, Peter.

Anonymous said...

Well, there's slightly "edgy" beefcake concepts, and then there's the calendar that appeals only to the very specialized Molly Parker's-character-in-KISSED demographic...