Sunday, August 10, 2008

Once Again, Texas Led the Way

Forgotten PC history: The true origins of the personal computer: "August 8, 2008 (Computerworld) This year marks an almost forgotten 40th anniversary: the conception of the device that ultimately became the PC. And no, it did not happen in California.

For decades, histories have traced the PC's x86 lineage back to 1972, with Intel Corp.'s introduction of the 8008 chip, the 8-bit follow-on to the 4-bit 4004, itself introduced in 1971 and remembered as the world's first microprocessor.

But the full story was not that simple. For one thing, the x86's lineage can be traced back four additional years, to 1968, and it was born at a now-defunct firm in San Antonio."

Hat tip to Dwight Silverman's TechBlog.

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