Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 Most Influential SF Anthology Series

Tor.com / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / The Ten Most Influential Science Fiction & Fantasy Anthologies/Anthology Series: "The Ten Most Influential Science Fiction &�Fantasy Anthology/Anthology Series"

Via Rick Klaw on Twitter.


Todd Mason said...

No. Not hardly.

Let's put it this way...the series cited wouldn't've existed w/o STAR SCIENCE FICTION...DANGEROUS VISIONS wouldn't've happened without Judith Merril's work... McCauley's DARK FORCES was an heir to his FRIGHTS but neither was quite up to the aggregate of SHADOWS if we discount WHISPERS for the same reason that Klima chastises himself for including NEW WORLDS QUARTERLY w/o crediting most of its editors...the pioneering anthologies by Strong, Conklin, Healey and McComas and Wollheim all deserve consideration ahead of at least several of these.

I'm pretty tired of people with jobs in the field being so ignorant of its history. No, very tired.

mybillcrider said...

I have to agree about those pioneering anthologies, Todd. Where would we be without those. Bleiler & Ditky, too.

Todd Mason said...

Yep. And Martin Greenberg's early anthos for his larcenous Gnome Press, as distinct from Martin Harry Greeberg's production of anthos from the 1970s to date.

Influential: Pamela Sargent and the WOMEN OF WONDER volumes...Sterling's MIRRORSHADES...one can go on. Very easily. Too easily.