Sunday, July 28, 2013

'Animal House' still makes the grade at 35

'Animal House' still makes the grade at 35


Anonymous said...

Well, it's certainly on my list. At one point I'd seen it so many times I could quote huge chunks of the dialogue. (In fact, I probably still can.)

The first time we saw it was at the old College theater near Brooklyn College and we knew we were in for a good time when a bunch of college students showed up in togas. They stood up in the dead horse scene and yelled "Holy sh!t!" along with Bluto.

Good times.

Jeff (from the geezer bua)

Deb said...

I could probably quote that movie from beginning to end. It's a touchstone in our family--from time-to-time we even tell our kids that they've been on double-secret probation.

mybillcrider said...

It's an all-time favorite at our house, too.