Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The Forgotten Story Of Classic Hollywood's First Asian-American Star

The Forgotten Story Of Classic Hollywood's First Asian-American Star


Cap'n Bob said...

I'm a big fan of Anna May and regret the limitations forced on her by an ignorant society.

Todd Mason said...

This is how forgotten...an Asian-American production unit put together a documentary on Jack Soo, called YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SOO, and they hyped it through PBS as about the first Asian American to star in a television series...I had to point out to them Wong's THE GALLERY OF MADAME LIU-TSONG, fifteen years before.

Todd Mason said...

I do wonder at the notion that Asian and black actors couldn't attend white actors' parties. Seems too possible but I have to wonder if it was Enforced or actual or not. Musicians mostly didn't observe that kind of nonsense...

mybillcrider said...

Maybe they meant "some" white actors' parties.