Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Richard Orth, Girl in a Go-Go Cage, Softcover Library, 1967


Unknown said...

I just received Richard Orth's "Girl in a Go-Go Cage" from Amazon, got it for $9.95. I had my own copy as a teenager in the '70s, lost it, and bought it again in a fit of nostalgia. Had finished it by the next day. So cheesy but so much fun. Does anyone know what became of him, is he still alive?

mybillcrider said...

It's obviously a classic. I have no idea what became of Orth, or even if that was his real name or someone's pen name.

mybillcrider said...

Apparently this was a pen name used by Richard M(aurice) Gardner, according to Pat Hawk's pseudonym book. That's not much help, however.